Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to save money on a minimum wage

Is the Recession and low income still hurting you?

     Millions of people are on a low income, less than 20,000 dollars a year. For them the recession is still painfully real. There are ways to survive one way less than 20,000.  Many of you do, but did you know that you can make more of your low income? Learn the smart management skills in this new book.
     There are more people now than before living on less. You may think that leaving hundreds in your bank account at the end of the month is impossible. Not so, read this little e Book and learn how to optimize your budget, learn to make a budget and follow it, and do bargain hunting. The book is priced especially for you; it’s only five dollars, that’s affordable for anyone.
     With your low income, it’s hardest for you to get ahead in these though economic times. The job market is still slow, and saving money is hard. Eventually these things will get better, but for now, to get ahead, saving hundreds even thousands a year can make a lot of difference. For the low price of only
     Also this book has extra bits on how to own a house without a mortgage and have a car outright, all by clever management attitudes within.

Even if you make only 10,000 dollars per year, you can save hundreds each month with the advice in this book. For the little fee you paid for this book, think of the investment you have made. On hundred a month times twelve s 1200 dollars in savings.  Great Return right?